2019-2020 Allen Catalogue

Date Posted:2 November 2018 

You can download the new 2019-2020 Allen Catalogue.

Allen 2019-2020 Catalogue available for DownloadThe Allen brothers Tony and Glenn started their business with a vision of performance sailing hardware driven by innovation and technology. The first products they produced for their own race boats were such an improvement on everything then in use, customers
demanded they set up production to meet the market.

Those principles still hold true and the company has grown in the past 60 plus years to become a major exporter, selling high-performance sailing hardware to the World. This concentration on design meant tooling often had to be produced in-house and the vast majority of research, design, prototyping, tooling and production still takes place at the Allen factory in Southminster, Essex, UK.


Allen 2019-2020 CatalogueDownload the 2019-2020 Allen Catalogue